Sunday, December 22, 2019

Depression. Depression Is A Sly Thief That Slips Quietly

Depression Depression is a sly thief that slips quietly and cautiously into people’s lives, robbing them not only of one’s focus, but in extreme cases, one’s time. Depression is an equal opportunity disorder, meaning that it affects anyone regardless of your ethnical background, gender, or age. At first, depression may be evanescent, but eventually one could become so overburdened that one’s life may feel empty and meaningless. Inconsistent to popular belief, not everyone who commits suicide is depressed, however, the majority that do, do so during a severe depressive episode. Depression was initially called melancholia. The earliest accounts of melancholia appeared in ancient Mesopotamian texts in the second millennium B.C. At this†¦show more content†¦While studying twins, scientists have found that there is a powerful genetic influence in depression. Identical twins are three times as possible to have depression than fraternal twins raised in the same environment (All About Depression: Causes, n.d.). This is because fraternal twins only have around fifty percent of the same genes in common. Additionally, identical twins are â€Å"five times more likely to have bipolar disorder† (All About Depression: Causes, n.d.). Alcohol is yet another factor that leads to this disease that claims so many lives each year. Alcohol is a depressant, many know this, but the immediate effects a few drinks can give may feel far from feeling or being depressed. Depressed individuals reach for this drug as a way to numb the emotional pain or thoughts one may experience during a sever depressed episode. As a result, alcohol abuse and depression feed into each other, often making one another worse. Alcohol may seem like a comforting friend, but in reality, it only worsens depressions symptoms. If someone drinks heavily, one could be more prone to act on impulse and make bad decisions, such as self-harm. Drinking to cover the emotional pain will only put one in a downward trajectory of the vicious cycle known as depression. One might think that depression is a single disorder alone, when in fact, there are many different types of depression. The different types of depression are: major

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